By the age of 5 years all children should have completed the three “triple” vaccines (with or without whooping cough) plus the combined Mumps, Measles and Rubella (MMR) vaccinations and the Diphtheria / Tetanus & Polio – pre -school booster, plus the required number of doses of Meningitis C vaccine.
Vaccinations take place on Tuesday morning, between 11am – 12.00 noon by appointment.
Child Health
- Health Visitor Primary visit at 10 – 12 days
- Weaning contact at 4 – 6 months
- 2 year health check and 3 year questionnaire
Children Vaccination Schedule
Please see the full schedule on the ‘Family Health‘ page.
By appointment with the Practice Nurse.
All adults should be immunised against tetanus and receive a booster injection at least every 10 years.
In accordance with the department of health guidelines We operate an annual ‘Flu vaccination programme beginning in the middle of September. It is recommended for certain at risk groups, diabetics, chronic heart, lung or kidney disease, chronic liver disease and those patients registered with the practice who are the main carer for an elderly, disabled or “at risk” person whose welfare may be affected if the carer falls ill, residents of nursing and rest homes and for everyone over the age of 65 years. The vaccination is available in September.
Pneumococcal Vaccine
This vaccine gives a lifetime protection against a specific form of Pneumonia, it is recommended for all patients with, Heart disease, Diabetes, Asthma, Splenectomy and patients over the age of 65.